Friday 24 October 2014

November 7th lesson

Dear students,
Thank you for coming to class on the 24th of October and doing a great job studying a difficult topic in a foreign language. Today you will work with your team preparing for your presentation on the 14th of November. Any human rights issue that pertains to the thirty articles of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights will be fine, so please work together with your group to present a coherent point of view.
On the 14th, the assessment feedback criteria will be slightly different from the first presentation. The criteria will be fluency (not reading), grammatical range and accuracy, pronunciation, and content (which includes research and critical thinking).
Kind regards,
Chris Elvin

Monday 20 October 2014

October 24th lesson

Dear students,
Today you will start studying human rights. It may be a little difficult, but I hope it will also be rewarding.
Please download the prints below and bring them to class.

Kind regards,
Chris Elvin

Friday 10 October 2014

October 17th presentation

Dear students,
Today you will do the first of four ten-point presentations as part of a group. You should speak for at least three minutes each. Your delivery will probably be better if you use presentaion software than if you do not. You will be assessed on fluency (eye contact and not reading), content, delivery, and research and critical thinking.
Good luck!
Chris Elvin

Sunday 5 October 2014

October 10th class

Dear students,
Today is preparation for your first presentation on October 17th. You should research your topics in advance and finalize your speeches today. If you want to use presentation software, please bring your computer to class. I can check your visuals if you wish.
Your presentations should be three minutes per person, and should include research (other people`s ideas) and critical thinking (your group`s original opinions). You should also remember that organization, grammar, vocabulary, content and delivery are important.
If you want to deliver your presentation today, please tell me in class. Otherwise, you should be ready to present on the 17th.
Kind regards,
Chris Elvin