Thursday 15 January 2015

January 16th lesson update

Dear students,
Since so many of you are unable to attend the late classes tomorrow, I'm going to start tomorrow's 3rd period at 1pm and try to have period 3 students finish their 5-minute presentations by the beginning of the 4th period. Please be punctual tomorrow, and please don't delay in giving your presentation once another student has finished - we have no time for that.
For period 4 students, the start of our lesson will depend on period three students finishing, but I would like to start as soon as possible.
If it's possible, please decide the order of the presentations before the class begins. Priority should be given to those with genuine reasons for not being able to stay late; you have another class to attend, you are involved in your club activity, or you have a part-time job to go to.
So period 3 will start at 1pm and finish at about 2:45pm.
Period 4 will start at about 2:45 and finish at about 4:30pm.
Kind regards,
Chris Elvin

Tuesday 13 January 2015

January 16th double period

Dear students,
Today I would like to have an extra period in order to complete all the presentations. (Since each presentation will be over five minutes we will need two periods).
There will be no lesson on January 23rd (my mistake).
I would like the period 3 students to also attend period 5 (period 5 lesson will be held in room N842), and period 4 students to attend period 6 (period 6 lesson will also be held in room N842).
If it is absolutely impossible for you to attend these late periods, please email me and I will make sure that you can present during our regular lesson time (the third or fourth period).
My apologies for this mistake!
Good luck,
Chris Elvin